The shiitake from the log outside was delicious. The squirrels agree and ate our last fruiting before we could. I purchased some wire mesh which I hope will protect our next fruiting.
The pink oyster kit in the house turned from bright pink to white in ine day, and then it started to smell fishy. I need to do some reading to figure out what I did wrong, but I am guessing it got too wet. Maybe I watered it too often. I took off the humidity tent, and pulled off all the mushroooms. New pink ones are growing now.
The Lions Mane is coming along nicely. They should get to softball size before we pick them for eating. The black stuff is tape to keep the plastic tight against the growibg material. I found it strange the mushrooms are growing around the skewers to hold the humidity tent, and not out the side of the bag. The mycelium must like the taste of the bamboo.
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